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What is meet&map?

It is an international non-profit association created to foster cooperation through education. 

Originally we were cross-sector oriented, but then we turned Euro-Med through EU Projects & Collaborations. During 2024 we also focused on the Global South as we believe that the international community is self-regulating through collective memories.

We meet to map with:

  • PARTNERSHIPS: We learn the difference between collaboration, networking, cooperation, and partnerships. 
  • WORKSHOPS:  Every topic mentioned in meet&map website is content we can provide.
  • COMMUNITIES:  As explorers of leadership & cooperation; urban and rural communities are sources of study-case and replication through our networks.

The map is not the territory ...

the map is interpretation while the territory is the real space with its experiences

The Dynamics Map we propose here is a frame to understand the principles that don’t change inside a matrix created with behavior patterns. 

Our main focus in all activities inside the areas of cooperation, youth, women, and education that we present below, is exploring and contributing to patterns of Social Justice and Sustainability guided by two pillars: Leadership & Cooperation. 

*Conscious Action:  self & community awareness guided by nature.

*Systemic Innovation: Regenerative Behavior Patterns honoring what was created before us.

*Equity: Equity recognizes that not everyone starts from the same place and this requires adapting what we provide.


meet & map aims to be a source of creation and renewal of the principles of leadership & cooperation for a deeply engaged international community.

Our mission is divided into six areas: New Compass, The Levant, Matrix Learning Platform, Youth, Women & Creators to support entrepreneurs.

Through each of them, we provide specific programs and proposals to foster education & cooperation.

Meet & Map started its journey by registering on the 17th of December 2014 in Barcelona, Spain. But it truly started way before and in different places. This leads me to the pictures in the portrait of our 10th anniversary. Our ancestors lived way more experiences all together. So the meeting and the mapping are very old. The adventure of humanity is as old as time, but what do we bring here? We believe we bring who we are. Each human being is a model of humanity. How to align? To what? What are the barriers? Who do I want or need to meet with, and to map what? It took us 10 years to give ourselves the answers. Here is our Memoria, and the result of reaching here is this new website of January 2025. 

New Compass is the scope of cooperation between the cooperation sector itself. It is our challenge to invite this sector to find common pathways as it is extremely relevant for our progress when we work for social justice and sustainability. The competition between the cooperation sector can mean a significant delay for human equity.

The Levant that has a space in our field is specifically dedicated to Palestine & Lebanon.  We intend to invite organizations involved in the other five areas of Meet & Map to participate in The Dynamics Map mentioned above at the beginning of the website. We dedicate specific humanitarian collaboration to encourage hope for our future.

The Matrix learning platform is a result of more than 10 years of exploration between different social movements. We need to tackle the root causes of our systemic behaviors to achieve long-term significant experiences for our individual and collective evolution. We prepared 13 topics; one is the Matrix Introduction, 9 are different patterns of conditioning and 3 are yet to be defined.

Women’s Map is a feminine scope of social justice and sustainability through leadership and cooperation. We analyze, learn, and encourage ourselves to understand our conditionings to liberate each other and find creative ways to help us achieve a collective and systemic liberation as women.

Youth is a framework to encourage self-leadership and inspire youth workers to find healthy dynamics with all youth challenges. The number of youth activists increases year by year and they are more younger each time. That tells us a lot about our true engagement as adults. Either we get out of their way or stand by their side and support them.

Creators & Entrepreneurs is an ecosystem we aim to generate to inspire and provide resources, spaces, training, and genuine cooperation. New economies need to come from new perspectives and sometimes isolation, lack of confidence, or being in the wrong network can prevent our community from enjoying the genius that came to help us be better.

Roots embrace each other while branches fight (African proverb)

Roots embrace each other while branches fight
(African proverb)

noun_sacred geometry_2045501


All projects are related to the Euro-Med Region to foster Social & Green Entrepreneurs, Women and Youth Leadership

From 2014 to 2024 our projects were related to events, sponsorships, and workshops for the mentioned target. After 2025 all activities will start a new stage through the Humanitarian Compass and the six areas of Meet & Map. You can learn more on the projects page and through our 10-year Memoria.

Activities - Workshops - Events

“There are two ways to bring light; to be a candle that illuminates or the mirror that reflects it.”

~Maya Angelou


We participate in a network of circular economy entrepreneurs in 8 Mediterranean countries.

Our team

Meet & Map is renewing the structure, new team members comming soon..
Foto Claudia 24 Parque

Claudia Dakhil Carcovich

founder & systemic roots explorer

Trained in Public Relations, International Cooperation and Systemic perspective. Certified by the International Coaching Federation for leadership coaching and The Partnering Practice of TPI for the development of multi-actor and multi-sector alliances.

Meet & Map is the result of 10 years of exploring sectors and it’s our contribution to genuine cooperation.

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